Are We Living in the End Times?

The Euphrates River is all but gone. Large sections of riverbed lay dry. In a video I recently saw, someone had captured footage of what appears to be a series of holes. From them, screams, growling, and moans are heard.

I’m skeptical. It sounds like a recording (slowed down). “Hello?”

Things like this aren’t new. Have you ever heard of the Soviet-Russian drilling project that breached Hell? It was a bore hole by a drill, and the video allegedly shows that hole, minus the drill bit sections, with screams, moans and, in one version, the sound of shouted orders over the tormented souls in Hell.

It was, of course, a hoax. You can look it up, but the bore didn’t go that far  and was abandoned anyway. This is not because it broke through rock and into Hell. It was because the hole was around 30,000 ft. deep and exposed a vent of hydrogen, eventually to be sealed because hydrogen is highly flammable and a hazard to work with. It can burn with an invisible flame, and if enough of it accumulates in any one area, it can explode. It’s lighter than air, which means accumulation isn’t likely at ground level, but there were other things discovered, including water, and, most interesting of all, fossilized plankton at 20,000 ft.

The drill didn’t break through to Hell, and the project stopped because Russia was going through an economic upheaval.

As things go, it shouldn’t be surprising that one of the first ones to show the video were the folks at TBN, a TV place of lies that scams millions through stunts like this by aiming to scare people.

I don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade. People are saying that the Euphrates drying out is biblical; and to a point, that’s true, but it’s happened before, and used to be more shallow in areas anyway, as evidenced by archeological digs.

But, far be it from me to tell you that the signs of the final days are here. There are so many people and churches out there scaring people so much that they have breakdowns or seek out psychiatric help. They can’t help it and they are victims, not of Christianity, but of alarmist news on TV and the preaching of false doctrine, and of YouTube videos that are just plain stupid but strike that chord in them that triggers intense fear.

I was like that. Impressionable and gullible. I still fall for clever lies, but I like to dig around and snoop for indications that disprove a lie or hoax.

God doesn’t want us afraid of the End Times. I know that I have written about signs, but what do I know next to God?

If we fear, that means that our faith in him is weak. If we have a strong faith, what have we to fear? People can hurt us, even kill us. Through Christ, physical death is irrelevant. It’s only the beginning of a life in Heaven with God’s grace and light surrounding us.

Jesus said, “In this world ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer, because I have conquered the world.”

Tribulation translates directly as “great suffering,” which means over and above most kinds of human suffering that we have experienced. People in Israel and Gaza are having tribulations. People in Ukraine are deep in tribulations. Hunger, disease, lack of protection from the elements, constant fear… that is tribulation.

People here in the West suffer too, but they don’t get on the news. They use makeshift shelters on the streets, under freeway overpasses, and in alleys. Around the world, evil people prey on the weak, they boldly attack police officers, and they kill without feeling anything. We know this; we all do. Nothing should shock us anymore.

Don’t watch the news. I use The Conversation, a website where articles are written by scholars, and limit myself to the stories that I can handle. I don’t want to be triggered or manipulated by local and national news. It only serves to interrupt my spiritual growth, and now that I have a new faith in God, that is something I don’t want. The peace God gives is not negotiable. You either have it through faith, or you don’t.

I pray now that you will find that peace. Don’t be afraid. God bless you.

ThisVideo inspires us to be faithful and not afraid.

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