Nazi Germany Did This Kind Of Shit…

Go to this article on Istagram if you’re not believing that Nazism in America has teeth. Because it does, they’re razor sharp, and are owned by a rabid dog.

Here is the full article on The Guardian website, and I’m telling you now, it is a hard read. But it is a must read as well. The history of the United States includes a little thing we call World War Two. In that conflict, we fought with allies against Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. We were conflicted at first, not wanting to help stop Hitler. It cost the lives of an enormous but unknowable number of people, most of them civilians.

In Germany, the citizens had been whipped up by hate-filled rhetoric and the films prove it. One I can’t forget has what looks like thousands shouting “Sig heil”. Fucking scary, that; because that’s the early days of the Third Reich. What followed was the most earth-shaking war in all of history.

A bit more subtle, and to this day ignored, was that before the Blitz, Goose-stepping in the Rhine covered the sounds of people from all over the country being taken into custody. You know about the Jews. Not many realize that gays and lesbians, blacks, mental patients, priests, Christians and more were rounded up, shot or sent to prison camps as well.

Abortion doctors were not among them. Abortion was legal, but only for certain situations. For example, a woman made pregnant by any male who wasn’t German was encouraged to abort that pregnancy. Mostly abortion was illegal, punished. And any and all punishments in the Reich were horrific.

Another stipulation added to the abortion law was introduced by the Reich that while doctors could perform an abortion, they were forbidden from advertising that type of procedure. Today, doctors are being forced to adhere to that very restriction. In modern Germany but also here. In America. The land of the free.

And don’t forget that South Carolina was working on a bill to mandate capital punishment for all women who got abortions. That, my friends, is a hate crime anywhere else in the world, a violation of human rights that could spread and cause severe consequences overseas. I predicted years ago that the day would come when the United Nations left US soil and relocated in Western Europe, kicking the US out as a member. If you think it’s impossible, well, it isn’t.

So, wait: doesn’t this mean that the US is heading to a point worse than Nazism?

It would seem so. Because of the open hate speech, ridiculous political and religious bullshit, because stupid people with closed minds can be used well beyond their ability to register consciously what they’re doing, and because racism never stopped but is worse than ever, and God himself has been weaponized by the far right, this country will not survive as it has been. There may be some sort of border agreement between certain city-states, or there could be a civil war, which the right would win simply by being more hateful and armed to the teeth.

Or a new fascist regime could take over in the wink of an eye. We have no way to tell.

You cannot stop hate and malicious, religious furor, political extremists or people bent on seeing the US torn apart, with liberals executed. They dream about it.

Doctors who perform abortions being the targets of hate and violence is not new. The ink on the Roe versus Wade decision was barely dry before they began. Any doctor could be a target.

One thing more disturbs me about this poor woman, a professional sworn to help people, and our sociopolitical climate.

The truth is being stepped on very effectively. On both sides, because cable news and most online news is heavily controlled by their owners, all of which are corporate or corporation-affiliated. But at least the left tries to get it right. And if we’re wrong we can admit it. The right believes its own lies. After Fox hosts were busted talking smack about Trump, they continue to lie about, and cover for, a man who is stupid, evil, dishonest and overwhelmingly dishonorable. Before all of this started — before O’Reilly, nobody did this crap. Nor could they have foreseen it.

America is dying. I don’t know how this ends, but it will not be good. We will be the first superpower to end up as little more than a third world country known for civil and human rights violations. A country sanctioned by civilized countries. Because the way I see it, we are not civilized.

Women On Trial

Today the Supreme Court of the United States will hear a case which will determine whether the landmark Roe v Wade decision will stand or fall as federal law. The argument will be brought by a redneck sexist from a poor, historically beaten-down state where women are far more likely to die from childbirth than an abortion. The decision would place the power to legislate abortion restrictions or bans with the states. That would reverse the Roe decision and in so doing, set the precedent of the Supreme Court being effectively disempowered, all past decisions forever called into question, its future a mockery of its own past. It would also mean that more would follow. Right-wing states which have most often elected fake Christians to their legislature because they claim “Christian Values” are bound, once they have no more federal oversight, to clamp down even more on the reproductive rights of women.

If the Roe v Wade decision is overturned, it is not unlikely that even contraception would be restricted if not outlawed. Imagine drug stores not selling condoms or prescription drugs ever again. “The Pill” would be illegal. Because the center of this whole thing is the obsession of men to dominate women. No, I’m not using hyperbole. That’s always been the core issue.

Does anyone remember the film Billy Jack?

A school which houses and helps wayward or disposable children takes in a runaway, a sheriff’s daughter. The reservation is protected by elders and a former Green Beret named Billy Jack, played by Tom Laughlin. As the father confronts his runaway daughter she tells him she was pregnant and had an abortion so she doesn’t know what race the child was. Of course, he beats the hell out of her. In the film The Godfather Part Two Kay tells Michael that she had an abortion because she didn’t want to bring any more of his children into the world.

In pop culture, abortion was subject to treatment in Indie films and blockbuster motion pictures. It was the subject of documentaries and bullshit propaganda “Christian” essays and books.

What seems so hard for people to believe is that the legalization of abortion has saved lives. We can know this, but not quantify it. We can point to case histories, should a woman agree to share her information, where the mother would surely have died had she carried a baby. Sometimes we can know that couples agreed to abort a pregnancy because they were smart enough to know that things like hereditary conditions, financial and job statuses and other factors all made having children a risk or a responsibility they could not live up to.

Oh boy. Did those church leaders ever howl. Roe empowered women who always should have had the final decisions in the matter of their pregnancies. As a matter of history, men have had the last word. Women occasionally rose to prominent places in societies but were almost always surrounded by manipulating men.

Right now, a conservative majority in the Supreme Court is once again threatening the rights of women to their own health and well-being choices.

It’s wrong. And remember this: there are not many people who claim to be “pro-abortion”. The issue is pro choice. The freedom to choose, to make personal decisions. It’s about constitutional rights. It’s about women’s rights and the men who want to snuff those out.

The case is not very Christian, though these men claim that motive and that power. Humans are gifted with certain abilities, and among those are the ability to make choices. The Catholic Church condemns abortion. It has therefore condemned women to die while pregnant or giving birth. It has condemned women to feel undue guilt for having an abortion, leading to life-changing and often fatal outcomes. Placing religious-based guilt on anyone is a sin. As Jesus asked his Father to forgive those who had just crucified him, who were laughing at him, he would also ask for our forgiveness no matter what. To use his name to brutally, mentally punish another human being is to commit an utterly evil act.

I’m angry right now. Yup. Racist and sexist white men poison this country while hiding in the guises of men of God.

It’s more than enough to make me puke. This…is sickening.

This Ain’t “Petticoat Junction” But Uncle Joe Is A-Movin’ Kinda Slow

Uncle Joe. He’s not on his best game. There’s a glaring problem he has decided to ignore. I think it’s a mistake, one which reaches long into the future.

At some point when U.S. military leaders wanted to begin the withdrawal of troops and equipment from Afghanistan, Pakistan refused to allow us passage. I don’t know whether that was ever resolved because judging by the events of the past week, I rather think not. And of course there’s the little detail about the last time the Taliban had control of Afghanistan; Pakistan recognized their rule.

And then there’s bin Laden, who’s passed from human being to shark shit to plankton by now. Maybe he’s coating the inside of a McDonald’s cup somewhere on the bottom of the South China Sea. That’d be poetic, wouldn’t it?

The government of Pakistan hid him. Oh, I doubt many civilians knew he was there. But the many accusations of the Pakistani government covering for terrorists, namely, the Taliban, persist to this day.

Since taking office, Biden has not so much as called PM Khan. While national security experts say that’s a good thing seeing as how that government has been two-faced in the past (they promised to stand with us after 9/11 but with friends like those, who needs enemies?) yet denied access to their ports after our forces became landlocked in Afghanistan. Obama may have seen no way around this situation diplomatically, and sent in his troop surge. I don’t know. All I know is that we always got our news updates late and Fox News and morons like Rush Limbaugh twisted everything; we were left confused and uninformed. That’s not even close to being right.

In my time here on Earth I have never dreamt of anything this bizarre. Or scary. The best thing to do now is to be diplomatic to Pakistan. India must be treated with utmost respect and care because they won’t like it. We must become what we claimed to be long ago.

Peace makers. Negotiators and diplomats, without bringing threats to the table. I’m not sure if it’s possible, but we must restore our honor that we fought so hard for in World War Two. It doesn’t require much intelligence to know this. If we can’t gain respect, we will see more attacks on our own soil. We will lose our influence, what remains of it, and as we approach the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we are coming very close to shitting on the graves of all who died that day.

There was no honor in revenge, but the Bush administration capitalized on our demand for it and this is where we are. Reports come in by the hour of women endangered or suspected to be already gcone. All single women, remember, are required (ages 14-38) to report to the Taliban for marriage arrangements. Translation: to become indentured, enslaved, abused for the rest of their lives. And we can’t stop that now.

And us? People on both political extremes wanted us out. Now all we do is bitch and point fingers.

It and more will be our undoing. Diplomacy can save us from ourselves. An absence of it will only see the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS-K spread. And they will be unstoppable.

What about human rights is so fucking hard to understand?

New abortion laws have American women in a place not unlike those in Afghanistan. The SCOTUS will soon modify if not reverse Roe, and healthcare providers are whispering that even giving a woman routine OB/GYN exams might, in the not-too-distant future, land a doctor in prison.

Women, no matter where they live, are under attack.

What is the endgame?

Where is this leading us?

I hope I’m gone by then. I don’t want to see what happens next.