
Name your top three pet peeves.

There are things that get under our skin.

Germs, parasites, even insects.

Pet peeves are a subcutaneous invader also, sometimes more irritating than the above.

Maybe you just can’t stand the way your partner chews. Or how he’s preoccupied with your breasts during foreplay; you want him to put his tongue to better use and just leave the mammies alone.

Some women, on the other hand, love to be licked and kissed and sucked on. I once dated a girl who had orgasms that way. And, no kidding, she was by no means a freak. Everyone’s different.

And maybe you hate this person or that person because they smell funny or support nutty doctrines like that of the late Pat Robertson, who, for the record, was an extremist religious nut bag.

Like saying Donald Trump was “God’s chosen” and “to be against Trump is to be against God” despite the unashamedly hateful personality and spouting of bizarre bullshit during the 2016 campaign. Or maybe you were “against God” before that, thinking, as he had so often proven, that Trump was a scammer and a big talker who was full of himself.

Which he was, and still is. Not to mention being nutty as a scrotum hanging between a bull elephant’s hind quarters.

Or maybe you don’t pay attention to politics anymore and mostly avoid the news as being the mental poison that it is. Let’s say you get irritated waiting for the weather report because after 10 commercials, he or she says what the current conditions are, then, “…full forecast coming up” which is followed by ten more commercials. And the ads themselves are irksome, shamelessly telling you you’re stupid, ugly or too fat, you have to get medicine for a limp dick, or your breasts are too small or too big, you need a new blender, a new car, a TV, a particular drug. And you need insurance — in bundles.

And then — then you get a fast, vague forecast, and have to turn to something else because if you don’t, you’re going to break a bone or get electrocuted kicking in your fucking TV screen, which is 50-90-inches at a diagonal and cost you over a grand because you got all the bells and whistles.

Or you could hate that phrase, “bells and whistles”. In which case, I don’t blame you. I hate myself for having just used it and I need to shower, do penance and say a rosary, I feel so filthy.

Sometimes a pet peeve can be very petty, yet still be huge to you. You’re pissed when it rears its ugly head. When I see someone write or say, speaking of politics mostly, “I’ll try and suss it out” or worse, “let’s try and parse out the meaning” of a particular news development.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Are they speaking parseltongue like Lord Voldemort? They thinking about Davis Susskind? What? Those words are stupid fucking words. Stop it!

One that gets me was a buzzword back in the late 90s and the 00s. “Tout”. There’s a stupid word. Some corporate enterprise was “touting” the virtues of a new and revolutionary product which really was no more new than snake oil in a fancy bottle with cherry flavoring added.

They not too long ago “touted” all these beneficial features of Medicare. But the change just restricted what people qualify for, as in surgeries, cost reduction and general quality, which is downright shitty.

And I know it’s always happened, but in a throwback to more than 50 years ago, ambulance and EMT response times are too long. People are dying because of it. And once in the hospital, your chances of surviving a medical emergency get no better. And it’s going to get worse.

Maybe the dog next door pisses you off. Shits in your yard, and the owner won’t clean it up and never leashes the little fucker which would be comparable in size to a gerbil, but leaves piles of runny doodoo like someone up the street is playing Jumanji, and Jeff Goldblum is in the area, and a whole jungle of animals including rhinos, hippos and a dinosaur or two just cut through in stampede mode. And you just stepped in it.

Maybe you even slid in it and wound up flat on your back, the runny doggy doo making you vomit up your cantaloupe from breakfast and ruining a new Brooks Brothers suit and Gucci shoes you splurged for. Because you are not going to try cleaning doggy diarrhea off when it smells like that and is so wet that it went through your suit jacket, shirt and undershirt and you know it’s all over your back. And before you get to work, you have to take a Hefty bag to the bathroom with you, strip, throw your entire outfit away and shower, but realize that it not only got your back, it got on and into your wallet, covering your cash, cards and the pictures of your family including the one kid you’re sure isn’t yours because the tyke looks too much like that neighbor who lets his dog shit in your yard.

Before you start going out at 03:00 and pouring puddles of antifreeze or tossing Hershey bars into the grass, remember that dogs just do what dogs do. Or doo. And it’s the owner you must get even with. We can cover that at another time, but really, what sets you off? What are some things that get under your skin like poison ivy oil?

For me, aside from words like “suss”, “tout”, or “parse”, it’s always been the idiots like Michelle Bachman, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Kelly Conway and Sarah Palin. Women who have no sexual appeal at all, but who my weak, asshole character would love to hate-fuck, just because. My dick ain’t been hard in years, folks, and yet I know I’d get the boner of all time for these know-it-all bitches whose combined I.Q. would be that of a pitcher of lemonade. Mice with human “brains”, all liberals being barbarians, ready to summon the apocalypse with their gay and lesbianism and trans ways. These women are like Ilsa, the she-wolf of the SS.

Lizard shit comes from their mouths.

God damn, they’re stupid, intolerant, bigoted, angry, and did I mention stupid?

Thing is, mad as they make me, I’d fuck any one of them right now. Bareback. And not pull out, either. And since abortion is illegal, menopause or no, if Bachmann got pregnant, I wouldn’t care and there would be no child support because I’d go straight to the Supremes, the nine penises of the Potomac, and say “well ya fucked up, didn’t ya?”

Let Conway’s husband pay for that freak to grow up. And I’m sure the Palin family would welcome another brain around. At two, the little milksucker’d be smarter than his mother.

Went off the rails a bit on that one, sorry. But the taking of women’s rights is more than a pet peeve for me; it’s evil.

What does qualify as a peeve is the stupid, screwy, goofy, neurotic, loony bullshit conservatives said about abortion to get Roe overturned. I’m not gonna get into those because I’ll end up with a heart attack. But it was, is, and always will be some of the most incredible things humans have uttered since language became a thing.

So knock a republican up today and help them preserve the Bible, which doesn’t mention abortion, and let them take one for the old Dipper. Yeah, Dipper. The one in the sky at night. Because fucking outside is illegal if anyone sees you. But it’s exhilarating, and imagine impregnating Sarah Palin under the Alaskan sky at midnight. You could tell her as she’s having an orgasm, “Let’s have one for the old Dipper!”

Unboxing Videos

What the ASS is up with all these “unboxing” videos on YouTube?

Why the ASS would I want to watch someone unboxing some stupid shit I don’t want or can’t afford? They don’t DO anything with the MERCH but describe it? Come on, what the ASS is that?

It’ll escape and kill us all!

One question though. What would happen if I ordered a Marjorie Taylor Green doll and unboxed it on camera?

A: it would come to life and eat my liberal-progressive face off and escape and take Chucky’s place

B: I’d start getting hate mail from liberals and progressives and invitations to speak at every church in red states

C: I would be banned for life by Google for posting excessively grotesque videos on YouTube, whose censorship is dramatically increased, which is saying something,

D: I would start a national panic because people would flood hospitals because they dehydrated from excessively vomiting

E: I could run for office on the republican ticket and become governor of Florida

Answer: None of the above because I wouldn’t BUY a Marjorie Taylor Green doll! IT WAS A TRICK QUESTION so wake the ASS up and see this stupid country die unless you wield your powers and turn off stupidity on video feeds and stand for what’s RIGHT.

The MTG doll can be seen at this link but use caution as this is for adults only (snicker).

He looks so contented But later she’ll come to life and shoot him with an AR-15 (included with doll accessories in the Bandoleer-Stilletto Boots Pack)