Finland Changes the Whole World, Joins NATO

I can’t say much about this milestone in world geopolitics but I’m ecstatic over it. I’ve been worried about Finland for a long time.

When Russia began its assault on Ukraine, I could not imagine that such a country could long resist the superpower. I worried that if Russian forces crashed through Ukraine, there would be no way to keep them from Finland and other countries. The one thing that Russia dared not do is to engage NATO in any hostile action.

Well now, Finland has officially become a member of NATO, and suddenly everything on the board, every chesspiece, is less exposed and far more powerful.

Finland didn’t merely protect itself.

It changed the entire game.

I never really thought I would see it. My worry for the people was palpable. Distressing in the extreme.

Finland, I salute you. Don’t believe that your government acted in cowardice; they heard your concerns, heeded your pleas. These are days when you can celebrate and be hopeful. I’m very excited for you.

From us to you, welcome.