Woman Forced by Law to Carry Dead Baby

This story is sad. It is also very difficult to read or to even imagine what she’s going through and what she’s in for. By Louisiana law, she carries a fetus which cannot possibly live. It will be stillborn or, more likely, taken by C-section. But until then, she walks around carrying a non-sentient fetus.

Why any law wold force such a horror is beyond me. It’s what we all should have known would happen when the Nine Nazis of the Potomac overturned Roe v. Wade: cruelty to women that was common before 1973. A stripping of a woman’s rights, starting with the right to choose to terminate a pregnancy. Other things are sure to follow, egged on by the super conservative (Nazi) church, the catholics and the protestants alike. That’s right. I just called Catholics Nazis. Since 1973, the Roman Catholics have pushed to have abortion banned. Much suffering will come from this, and what’s Godly about that?

I’m not going to discuss Roe. I’ve done that. But now I’m warning you that white men carrying crosses are going to straight-up go after more women’s rights. And they’re going to be successful unless we stand up for what’s right, for freedom over tyranny.

Fascists and Nazis are a serious threat to the people of the United States. Oh, and to the world. If you don’t believe me, if you think I’m blowing this out of proportion, there’s a woman in Louisiana who can tell you what’s real.