Say Goodbye To Civil Rights In The USA

A leak from the Supreme Court and picked up by Politico shocked everyone Monday when it revealed a decision to overturn the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling tht made abortion legal.

No one knows who leaked the draft, which when finished would condemn women to unwanted and dangerous childbirths including those who are victims of rape and incest.

And since men in general resist contraception, it’s always been the burden of women to take pills or go through surgery. That’s never been right, but always the truth.

Some states may retain the right to keep abortion legal, but over half of the states would ban it.

It’s a travesty, doing this to women’s rights.

It is a tragedy in the making for this country. It holds a dubious place in the world. The world laughed at us when Trump was president; they never have stopped.

The world is in a food supply crisis. Prices on many items have doubled in two weeks.

Global warming did exactly what I and the experts warned; crops have stopped producing in some areas which now are facilitating fungal and other growths as well as a longer active season for predator insects and animals. Having more families go hungry because of unwanted and unaffordable children will be an excuse for Republicans to claim government assistance programs are bankrupting the country and that Social Security and Medicare must go.

Increased homelessness, disease and starvation could easily, quickly, decimate whole families, neighborhoods and more.

The draft has not made it to the finalized decision yet. But if I know American voters, they’ll vent on social media or podcasts and let it fucking happen.