The Cursed Novel

I’ve written a book. You can’t get published in this country unless you’re already a published author.

It’s about a group seeking to stay alive and fight the worst evil that exists: demons.

Filled with episodic storylines that double-cross the reader every time they think that they know what to expect, it’s epic.

There are lots of colorful characters with backstories that are comical but ultimately tragic, it has historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy, romance and horror. It is a story that, if I saw the cover, I would buy it.

But it’s more than a story. I wrote the lead character for Johnny Depp, one character for Kate Beckinsale, and the rest would be a cast I would be part of selecting.

I want a miniseries or a limited series. I originally wanted HBO, still do, but I also have Amazon and Netflix and CBS-Paramount in mind. It has to be accessible to the widest audience possible. Whoever got it would rake in money. Subscriptions would increase because at perhaps 3 or 4 seasons it would hook viewers.

I could easily collaborate with a screenwriter. I know it would become a great hit. I know it.

There’s only one problem.

Every test reader I used loved it.

They all lost their jobs.

Or suffered some other misfortune.

Had breakdowns.

Or died.

I could say that’s all coincidence.

But what if it isn’t?

The filmed version, like the book, would be shot entirely in Maryland except for indoor set shooting which could be anywhere. Plus, a couple of tropical scenes which would require an actual tropical location and some naval vessels. Three, really. One is a museum.

CGI would need heavy use. But it can be done and still turn a hell of a profit if properly promoted.

My question is, where do I go from here? What should I do?

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