Note To Jonathan Pie

Dear John,

I saw your recent video and as always, I’m impressed with your wit, character and endurance.

However, getting upset about the name “nazi” being used today is out of order.

You are correct that the German Nazis of World War Two are not to be compared. They stand alone in history as the monsters they were.

Today, using the name may or may not be correct. Groups who identify as nazis don’t come close to Hitler nazism.

But there is a very real chance that in more ways than one, history can be repeated. I’m seeing the same signs you are. Let us not be so fast to disagree on the level in which you take umbrage to the use of a name which ought to strike fear into the very souls of common people everywhere.

Instead, let us be free to discuss the future, one which holds uncertainty for any human rights surviving. And if we can, please let us not delay. Lives are at stake.