Be Ready to Rumble!

No sooner than I posted my last than I came under serious attack spirituality and physically. I got sick, very sick and I still am.

Because it’s happened before, it doesn’t mean that I knew what it was. I feel so miserable that writing this is a struggle. Lost my voice, have a killer headache constantly and flu symptoms, the full array.

Then came the nightmares. I take Alka-Seltzer and Tylenol before bed to reduce pain and fever. These are not fever dreams. In these all too-vivid, torturous nightmares, evil is present. I’ve known for years that there’s a difference between demonic attack dreams and the vile nightmares of PTSD. The reason for these things is because I wrote that I’m willing to help others, even if not qualified to speak for God. Look, I want to help people. The Devil, he doesn’t like it.

In a three-pronged offensive, my health, my rest and my resistance to temptation have been compromised. Not only that, but as a Reddit poster, I tried to give advice on this very subject to a couple of people. Reddit removed my replies and suspended me. Since you can’t delete a Reddit account from mobile devices, I instead sent all of their damned email accusations to spam and deleted the app. I’m never going back.

It’s unfortunate because one person I tried to help marked my reply as objectionable. The redditor wrote that an unseen being touched them, always in a comforting way, but they could also see shadow figures, tall, thin and easily spotted.

To be blunt, this person is in danger. Yes, I mean “danger,” and it’s bad that they are comfortable with it.

Jesus called Satan “The Father of All Lies”.

Therefore, demons lie. And by posing as a beneficial entity, this demon, of a type known colloquially as a “stick man”, has made its victim feel no threat, and when it attacks, which it will do, the victim is ripe for any level of possession or powerful curse. It will not leave them alone as the supernatural connection becomes too powerful for anyone to break. Even Roman Catholic exorcism may not work.

My remarks went unseen because reddit is not interested in freedom of speech or expression of beliefs.

I’m exhausted. If you are of a mind to, offer up a prayer for the unknown person for faith and deliverance.

Be ready to come under attack should you ever decide to truly serve God. The supernatural forces of evil will do anything to keep your will weak and to wash faith from your mind. If you resist, get ready for a damn Donnybrook, because that’s what comes next.

Until next time, when I’m feeling better, thanks for visiting. I’m always happy to have company.

God bless, and please remember that you are loved.