Happy Holidays 2022

The Christian Tech Nerd Rides Again

There is only one Christian blogger on WordPress that I trust: Jack Flacco. He’s a kind man, full of hope and inspiration. I’m embarrassed when I see that he has liked a post I’ve written when I’ve used foul language.

A lot of Christians claim that they are under attack. What they don’t know is that they bring it on themselves. You and I know why. They’re liars, cheaters, haters, war mongers and nihilists. When I got an email from the Christian Tech Nerd the other day, I missed the obvious: how did this poser get my email address?

Last Christmas I posted a blog titled “A Lie”. I wrote that this blogger was a fake. That the pictures used for her own likeness were of the softcore porn model Shyla Jennings. It’s not who she is and I wasn’t convinced then, nor am I now, that the author is a woman or even a Christian.

She sent me a link. It was to a YouTube video. Ya wanna know what it was about?

You won’t believe it: a doomsday prepper site. I backed right out. Cookies were apparently already planted but I don’t care. The actions of this blogger proves that whoever it is, they are not Christian. Profiteers, grifting from people’s fears. They’re everywhere.

I’ll let you in on a little something: if doomsday comes, having a bunker, MREs, tactical equipment? No good. Even if you managed to live for a month after some conflagration, you’d still end up exposed and out in a zone of death. No Christian should ever engage in this kind of scam. They also should cease predicting the date of the rapture. Jesus said that even he did not know the date; only the Father did. So trying to be god isn’t very smart. It shows instead a stupidity that defies God’s instructions to live the best we can.

I no longer read eschatological articles nor do I engage in the interpretations of scripture. One day at a time is all I can handle, and when my time is up, it’s up. I will no longer engage in frightening people who really just need to have some hope and to be free to live..

On the Reader page I found another article. This was from the “reincarnated prophet Elijah” who was cursing certain select bloggers, and Christian Tech Nerd was one of them. The reason he was condemning her to hell was strange and had nothing to do with “her” porn star past.

This circus is getting downright evil. Chilling. I guess that the age of bloggers has truly passed after all. “Elijah.” Good grief!

The Weather Outside is Frightful

I write this while most are under intense weather conditions. Here, the temperature this morning was about 4°F. The Wind made it feel like -15°F. North, lake effect snow, Midwest, terribly cold and in places, snow. It’s the coldest this holiday than any I remember since 1984.

I beg you, please pray for the homeless, and the mentally ill who are terrified of shelters because of bad experiences or just a plain fear. Yes, women and girls get sexually attacked in those places. They would rather die of exposure than to ever go back. This world is not forgiving to the weak, the sick or the poor. Lives that began with promise and innocence become full of nightmares. Pray for them, please. Being attacked or dying of exposure isn’t a choice anyone should have to make. Living homeless with no hope is no way you live. Here, in the land of hope and dreams and freedom, we are not civilized.

It starts with a prayer. Most charities are unworthy of your donations, keeping most for “overhead” and corrupt CEOs and financial officials. But in the new year, we will search for the best of them together. We can make a difference. We owe a debt of honor to help the people who cannot help themselves.

We need clarity and new laws. Right now even a forensic case being watched at a hospital can only be kept for so long. The limit for mental health hospitalization is 72 hours. Turned back out on the streets whether they really wanted help or not. Cruelty is the law of the land. And I cannot hate someone because they’re sick, taking drugs or both. Mental illness and substance abuse together is referred to as “dual diagnosis” but beyond being tagged with that, there’s no help unless a combination of way too many things happen, in just the right order.

If you are unfamiliar with an area, don’t approach the denizens of the alleys and doorways. For now, remember, prayer is a powerful thing. Praying for others with a sincerity and pity is noble. Honorable.

As for all of you, I thank you for letting me be a small part of your life. May your holidays be peaceful, and may you be loved, warm, dry and healthy.