Why Democrats MUST Vote

In your county ballot there are questions. Pay very close attention to them and look up the explanations of them, then decide. Today. Tomorrow you may not feel like it or you may not have the time. But some of these are shocking in regard to things ranging from appalling powers for your police to have gestapo power to hunt immigrants using unconstitutional methods, to marijuana legalization (up to a whole ounce! Good God, it’s the end of the world!).

Be careful. You don’t just have to vote. You have to vote responsibly. Your voting rights carry great power. Like Uncle Ben told Peter Parker, “with great power comes great responsibility.”.

Folks, when I quote comic book/movie characters, it means I’m pretty frightened and I’m looking for hope. I voted early. I needed help, because I’m going blind. I wasn’t too proud to have my healthcare worker help me. I’m looking to you for hope. We hate going to the polls but it’s the right thing to do. Anxiety, pain, standing in line with a cane or walker? I know. It’s scary. But for the sake of our friends and families, do it anyway. They will be here long after we’ve gone.

God bless. Have a good week, be safe, be nice to someone once or twice.

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