Not My Favorite Kind Of Post

There’s a reason for my previous post about self defense. This insane shit is one part of it.

Do not talk politics at work. With neighbors. At church. At the market. And never with strangers. Because that innocent looking person at the magazine rack, the blonde at the laundromat, the bartender, the mild-mannered quiet guy next door who never bothered to introduce himself and gives an innocent smile while trimming the hedge…

Consider them unstable, vicious and violent denizens of the hate community and keep a low profile while going about your business.

Now, this dude is insane. Well, that is, he was insane. Now he’s stinking up the slab of a morgue, a martyr for the masses of insane who worship that twit, Donald Trump.

And if you think dying for trying to do something boneheaded like attacking an FBI field office is valiant, then you need help beyond the means of modern mental health care abilities.

Even the conservative farmer in this video says that’s nuts.

After the FBI raided (executed a warrant at) Trump’s equivalent of Escobar Castle, which made Mar-a-Lago look like a San Francisco pimp spread, anchors on Fox News and screwy, looney op-ed and blog writers began claiming that the Feds had carried backpacks into the buildings to plant evidence. Trump seems to have commented with faulty timing that he had nothing to hide until files were carted out, then he began crying about planted evidence.

But that’s not all because Garland has ordered the release of the subpoena from earlier this year, a receipt for which was signed, and now Trump’s lawyers are rushing to block that release because it proves Trump was lying and in contempt of court for failing to turn all but a portion of the documents over, which is why the raid was necessary in the first place. Ignoring a bench warrant, subpoena, or any other written demand by a judge is stupid. But Trump’s looney lawyers don’t seem able to convince him of that. He just orders a couple of buckets of KFC and watches Fox News (pity the housekeeping staff who have to pick up the chicken bones and mop the commode).

The real problem is that Trump has established a base of fanatical support without really appreciating how far it was going. Except that, also without knowing it, he was used by more astute and sinister men who allowed him to front for them while they set the stage for a fascist or totalitarian coup.

It just looks like a mess on the surface.

It’s anything but. And this fall, how you vote is critical.

On the streets, you have to stay out of this. Protect yourself, do not allow yourself to be at ease anywhere. If you don’t already have a wish list for the site I gave in the self defense post, go now and look it over. I don’t want you to court trouble; at the same time, I do want you to be ready for it.

Jesus is supposed to have said something about turning the other cheek. At no point is he quoted as saying, Thou shalt be submissive whilst a stranger cuts thy throat.

These violent nuts are everywhere and I don’t want them to hurt you, me, or anyone.

In fact, it’s so bad that, at this point, it’s an amazingly delicate thing to discuss the latest episode of a TV series at the water cooler or over coffee in the break room. You might offend someone who reads political or social statements into your words. It’s insane.

Some guy–another Trump-sucker–went to kill the FBI with that ubiquitous piece of shit, the AR-15. He’s dead now. That’s the kind of enemy to be feared, not unlike other suicidal extremists, and you know who I mean. Fanatics. Extremists. Far from the religion or political group they came from.

Be cautious. Be aware. Be safe.

But temper caution; it must never turn into paranoia. You deserve better. Being careful is good enough. You can’t get trapped in a cave you never enter.

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