Starbucks Never Gets Another Penny Outta Me!

“Joe Hill”

I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
Alive as you and me.
Says I “But Joe, you’re ten years dead”
“I never died” said he,
“I never died” said he.

“The Copper Bosses killed you Joe,
They shot you Joe” says I.
“Takes more than guns to kill a man”
Says Joe “I didn’t die”
Says Joe “I didn’t die”

“In Salt Lake City, Joe,” says I,
Him standing by my bed,
“They framed you on a murder charge,”
Says Joe, “But I ain’t dead,”
Says Joe, “But I ain’t dead.”

And standing there as big as life
And smiling with his eyes.
Says Joe “What they can never kill
Went on to organize,
Went on to organize”

From San Diego up to Maine,
In every mine and mill,
Where working men defend their rights,
It’s there you find Joe Hill,
It’s there you find Joe Hill!

I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
Alive as you and me.
Says I “But Joe, you’re ten years dead”
“I never died” said he,
“I never died” said he. — song, Joan Baez version 1969

He was an activist and labor union IWW advocate. Evidence presented posthumously suggests that Hill was indeed framed for murder. Rich men did not like the idea of unions, and today, corporations like it less.

This article proves how slimy Starbucks really is. The behavior outlined is a classic display of gross denial of worker’s rights. And offering benefits to employees not involved in organizing is evil. It’s worse than bribery or whatever you want to call it: it’s a typical, Republican goddamn trick.

My call to you is to make Starbucks hurt. Boycott the chain, use McDonald’s or Dunkin’ or pour your house coffee into a travel mug before setting off to your job. Because what those bastards are doing is hurting their employees and it ain’t by-god right. Actively boycott. Let’s make em see the light.

Joan Baez, like Joe Hill was, is a national treasure. I still love her, and I always will.