The Donald v. Hillary Clinton, et al.

Folks, here’s a gem: on Thursday 24 March, The Donald brought a sweeping lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, the DNC, 26 others, and it’s funny.

There’s this analysis from WAPO, and before you read, I’ll be honest. I don’t remember, or never knew, some of the details carefully laid out here.

But this article on Law and Crime is my favorite read on the subject and one of the quotes used is, “(this) is getting more attention than it should”.

There are too many truly hilarious things in this suit to unpack. I just can’t. For one thing, it claims that Trump was vilified. Oh, rat shit! You gotta be kidding me! Nobody, nobody uses that word! Except for…

“They have vilified me, they have crucified me. Yes, they have even criticized me.” –Richard J. Daly, often wrongly attributed to Richard Nixon, who probably would have liked to have used it.

Wording is everything in a serious lawsuit, but in a horseshit case, anything goes.

Trump’s allegations include–oh my God, save me–one RICO, and two RICO conspiracy charges, but that’s just for shits and appetizers. “Deep State” and other conspiracy theories enter into it as well, and yet, no matter what any of this crap says, he won that election!

Oh, but it doesn’t stop there. Nothing ever stops with The Donald. He’s been known to hold lifelong grudges, and he’s a cold bastard at that. Vicious, more like, and the suit involves James Comey, the Mueller probe, hacked documents that prove the opposite of his claims, and never mentions this little tidbit:

In short, The Donald is a nut. I’m not being unkind here. It’s an easy observation to make, does not require a psychological evaluation, and it’s been in our face since 2015.

What worries me is that practicing attorneys actually drafted and then filed this insult to the justice system. They have stood by Trump in the past though, so why not?

But there is a price to pay here, and it goes like this: if the case is thrown out, those lawyers will wind up on Trump’s shit list. And he’ll talk endlessly about how inept they are and how they failed. One of his favorite words (and he’s got the best words) is any variation of the verb “to fail”, which he also uses as a derogatory noun. Almost certain to follow his smearing of their names all over the world, they’re going to turn on him. They’ll feed information anonymously to the press to avoid being unethical, but it’ll still get out. It’s a circle we see all the time.

For example, people who appear to turn on him and tell secrets about him throwing things and farting with his mouth during tantrums, or worse dirt on him, well, they’re not exactly brave and patriotic. What happens is that The Donald fucks them over first, and then they become sober. They fear that he could go down and take them with him, or at least that they may be in deep shit. Nobody surrounding Trump in his campaign or his presidency is heroic, okay? You can’t say that. Are there an anonymous few who stuck it out because they held the power to go behind Trump doing damage control? I’ve heard this, but it remains to be proven.

We’ll see where this goes. Will it be the last layer of the Russian doll, and will we finally see Trump become insignificant?


But his tantrum will certainly be fun to watch.

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