Omicron A Great Concern, According To The WHO

Whereas most of the covid variants have 5 to 10 variants between mutations, the newest one of real concern has 25 to 32 differences in its protein spikes, which are what allows the virus to enter and stay in place in the host body.

That’s a big problem. The question is whether the vaccines will still work.

Short answer: we don’t know, but current vaccines, social distancing, using masks and frequent hand washing are believed to prevent the serious symptoms should you be exposed.

The longer answer is that if this isn’t the case then there can be different vaccines prepared rather quickly for testing, but we can’t know how long that will take. It’s a process, but one that’s been prepared for and anticipated. Currently the virus has an unknown number of strains or mutations. Using Greek letters (Beta, Delta, etc.), the ones most virulent are designated, but there are more than letters can define, and most are not likely to make anyone sick except for unvaccinated and high risk people with pre-existing medical conditions.

The changes in RNA don’t always mean trouble; the virus replicates itself once inside a host, and sometimes the process is flawed and the copies can’t do what the original did.

Other times, these copies are more efficient, and that’s the case with Omicron. When designated “of concern), it means health experts just don’t like what they see because the potential is unknown as far as the strain’s abilities. Will it spread more easily, will it make people more sick?

All viruses mutate. That’s why every year we need a flu shot. Last year’s flu shot may not work well against the current strain (we use Australia as an indicator of what we should expect because as they’re coming out of flu season, we’re heading into it).


European countries are already engaging travel bans. Most countries affected by these bans are in southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe). I hate it right along with everyone else, but it is a necessary evil. And I hate to say it, but major protests for shutdowns are taking place, making sure that the illness spreads. Football matches, events where large crowds gather, living conditions where a lot of people are forced into small places, failure to use masks, failure to receive vaccines, poor decisions– all contribute to the continued spread and therefore further mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes COVID-19.

You remember that it was called a “novel” coronavirus? That’s because it’s new to humans. It existed for probably ages in animals, and one of its mutations made it possible to make the transition to human hosts. It’s happened since long in the past, and always will be a threat with any virus seen previously only in animals.

This is what viruses do. That’s why I hate all conspiracy theories about the current coronavirus being engineered in any lab, whichever one people are using, from North Carolina to Wuhan Province, China.

Do What’s Right

I’m not suggesting that you should be panicked or even very worried. I’m not an influencer or expert. But it’s time for people to decide: you want travel bans or not? Want to see the latest covid numbers on Morning Joe for the next decade? It doesn’t have to be like that.

Ask your higher power, what’s right? If you have no higher power, then ask yourself, but be careful: consider the question valid and important. Be honest.

Carrying hand sanitizer and double-masking are both things that everyone should be doing. When at home, wash hands with soap and hot water often. For dry skin you can always use a moisturizer. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Unless it gets much worse, no shutdowns should happen, so for now if we do these things, we can avoid that kind of situation. But going out to protest mask requirements and not wearing a mask is the height of recklessness. It’s really very stupid.

I still believe some restrictions were lifted too soon, but that’s a moot point. Just think of the health of others, if nothing else. Staying in is fine, so long as your ventilation is good. Going to work is great but be vaccinated and wear a mask.

We’ve all had enough of this. I get it. But it won’t go away just because we’re tired of it.

Update: as of late December, Delta remains the worst strain in the US, but Omicron is spreading rapidly due to a high transmission rate facilitated by its protein spikes. Even those who have received booster shots catch it, usually with very mild symptoms, like a head cold. The symptoms include sinus distress, headache and sore throat but pass quickly. However some develop a fever, but other symptoms seem to be rare. The effect on unvaccinated people is not clearly known but it seems that the dangers are quite serious. People are missing work, causing massive issues in airline services and shutdowns elsewhere. It’s no joke.

A word of advice?

Stop attacking Dr. Fauci and wear a mask, get the shots and stay out of the hospital.

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