Larry The Blunt

“Just get the damn vaccine.”

That’s what Maryland Governor Larry Hogan says when asked whether masks are going to be required again because covid cases are rising.

His goal is to force unvaccinated people to get the shots. If the virus is spreading fastest in unvaccinated people, it means that vaccinated individuals who aren’t wearing masks are spreading it. Mathematically and logically there is no other conclusion which is possible. It is right there in front of us.

Delta variant is spreading fast and coincides with the end of many mask rules. Putting aside the fact that some people never conformed with mask mandates unless forced, as when entering a grocery store, those who have stopped wearing masks must be transmitting the virus, which accounts for such a rapid rise in deaths, not to mention the number of positive test results and hospitalizations.

Among vaccinated individuals the virus can occur but its effects are probably only mild symptoms. However, the language used by media leaves me confused. They don’t help much even though they bitch about misinformation. News media will do what it always does: fill in the blanks between commercials and clickbait.

So Hogan didn’t bother saying anything the media could confuse, muddle or fuck up. He just told people to go “get the damn vaccine.”

At this point, and considering that schools are due to reopen and that the Delta variant can spread to and from kids, I must go one step further than Hogan, who has proven himself a great crisis governor.

I say that considering how many people have died and are about to die, fuck you and your right to be a moron. Go get the fucking shots.

I know what your excuses are. They’re stupid. And if you don’t get the goddamn shots, you are likely to get exposed and possibly die. I don’t question your right to die. But you’ll likely spread it to other morons in your fucking circle of friends and family.

And I do question your right to commit murder.

5 thoughts on “Larry The Blunt

  1. Amen to that! I’m happy to say that, since mandatory mask wearing ended here in England, I’m seeing maybe 75% of people on public transport and in shops and supermarkets still wearing masks. I’d expected it to be much lower.

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