Left Wing Hate

Being a blogger carries with it a certain amount of responsibility. What we write matters because even bloggers like myself who doesn’t have 1,500 followers will have his posts read at some point. I can’t afford a paid site and I will never be linked by mass media, and that’s okay. But a small-time writer still has a responsibility to the truth. And that responsibility is as important to me as it should be to every other blogger.

That’s why new information I’ve gotten has to be passed on as well as my own conviction and admission that I have been wrong.

It took a photoshopped photo on Facebook to rile me up enough to write this but my anger made me open to the truth. And that’s when I got something I’m about to tell you. I’ve mentioned it before but facts were not solid and there wasn’t enough of it. Now I know I was really wrong.

The Political Climate Right Now

First, there’s a lot of pure hellfire anger out there. Way too much. Anger has clouded my mind all my life. I look back and can see it now.

Once I had a girlfriend, Donna. She was a Libra, I a Cancerian. Ordinarily I’d say the two should be fairly compatible. But, to her neverending frustration and pain, I was a very sick young man. We had some good times together and of course, as I wrote in my blog “To All The Girls I’ve Loved Before”, I carry her in my heart every day. One afternoon, a sunny, warm summer afternoon, we were going out on a date and a song came on the radio. “Listen to this, because this is you”, she said.

And she was right.

But knowing that and changing it were very different things. And my anger was part of my soul. It was always there, even though I was only beginning to realize how much of it there was.

Well I hate anger. You may have seen other posts I’ve written where I did not hide my anger or do anything to deal with it before hitting the keyboard. I regret it. Anger, I have learned, can make you sick. Cause even physical problems. Cause self-destructive behavior or worse, make you vent it on another. As Mr. Rogers said, There are lots of things you can do with your ‘mad’. You can pound a lump of clay or play all of the lowest keys on a piano at the same time…”

In this age of instant media, we can’t think long enough before sharing a meme or a picture or a post from a friend who is also angry.

Then it spreads. And with social media, hate from anger is deadly.

We’ve been told that before the siege of the Capitol Building, a large conspiracy was carried to fruition by means of coordination between groups and individuals via Facebook groups, the dark web, 8chan, now reorganized as 8kun, and many others. Every one of the people who showed up was angry. They had been told that the election results were either false or that the election itself was a leftist conspiracy.

Well, they believe it and they sure showed up. What’s shocking is the conspiracy was egged on and the anger agitated by Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr. And Trump. What happened next, cameras show, was utter bedlam as people with ropes looked for Vice President Pence and Speaker Pelosi.

Trump sent a mob to go lynch his vice president. A sitting president did that.

And now, as we know, threats to all 50 state capitals have been made for 20 January, Inauguration Day. And definitely for the Mall in D.C. and the result of that and the siege is, National Guard troops are sleeping on the floor of the Rotunda.

More barriers have been erected in the nation’s capital.

I’ve learned that Vice President Pence has done much behind the scenes before and since Trump called for his assassination. He and Trump never liked each other. When Trump assigned Pence to see to the coronavirus response, he thought of it as shit detail whereas Pence tried very hard to get the most out of the task force.

Trump responded by cutting Pence off during press conferences and then stopping the daily events completely. Too many people were telling a truth that Trump didn’t want to be told. Approval ratings couldnt go up in time for the election if everyone told the truth.

But all along, Pence has been silent in many efforts to keep Trump from destroying everything. I can’t go into that, but I can say that on the day he was meant to be assassinated, he behaved with honor and the job got done. After the building was cleared, the vote took place.

Since then, Pence, who was already talking with President Elect Biden, has been helpful, assuring Biden that Blair House will be empty for the traditional stay the night before an inauguration by a new president. He’s discussed things Trump would never have done and has been as helpful as he could. That’s honorable.

Last night he visited the troops in the Capitol and asked them to please make sure that the transition is peaceful and safe, and he thanked them all for being there and for their service.

Today I saw a photograph of Pence sitting in a chair. His shadow on the wall is a giant penis.

I’m not having this. It’s an insult laid down about his sexuality and his character. Its not okay. Because there are many hateful posts about him, memes, gifs and other forms of hate. And Democrats are sharing them, despite knowing that he was a target, that Trump hates him and that we should not be sharing anything that Trump’s MAGAs are. They’re turning their own hate into a weapon we’re using on ourselves. We are becoming the very things we claim to hate.

That hands Trump power over our feelings and he doesn’t deserve it. It also validates Trump’s words, his absolutely insane shit and the mission he sent his followers on that day.

In a million years, will that ever make and sense?

We can’t be tricked by people so stupid that they took selfies while breaking federal laws. We can’t. History will never forgive the lot of us.

Trump should be impeached and prosecuted. Others with him. But not Mike Pence.

Stop the fucking hate before you turn Biden into a single term president. Your words and pictures are being seen.

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