It’s Confirmed: Giuliani Farted Twice During Hearing

After a night of trolling for trolls alleging that Joe Biden cheated during the election, during which I felt guilty of taking advantage of those with intellectual disabilities, and one woman appeared to curse me via prayer, I came across this hot air on Business Insider. Let me tell you one thing: Rudy Giuliani is psychotic. He should be placed in psychiatric observation and evaluated at once.

After being subjected to a woman hysterically shouting beside Giuliani about election fraud, now I read this, this… shit.

Because when someone goes viral in a video because he farts twice, and not because of the lies he’s telling, something is wrong.

Something is really and truly just wrong.

Listen to the videos in the article and you’ll hear the same old shit about election fraud.

All claims of election fraud are bullshit. Methane hurled into the stratosphere by dishonest men and women. They scream their charges but offer no proof, and all evidence says the election was very secure. So says William Barr, Kellyanne Conway, the FBI and CIA and more. When even Kellyanne Conway says it’s time to work on the transition, time’s up. She’s been guilty of lying for Trump so many times she gave Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders a run for their money. Spicer famously hid in a hedgerow once, avoiding the press, and Sanders was either burned out, scared or both. I don’t like the fact that she and hubby were tormented in a restaurant, but she was never the same. And Spicer did this shit:

Dancing With The Stars had to be gravy after dancing with the bushes

And look, I know that Giuliani farted and talks with bug-eyed, insane sentences. I get it. And who can forget this:

The Man Is Insane

The guy is literally dripping with crazy.

And I don’t know what he’s got in the white loose leaf binder. For all I know, some intern worked under glaring eyes typing up and printing out weird shit for three weeks without a break.

And even though the chairman didn’t allow it, the fact is, Giuliani is now singing for his supper: he wants a pardon. Imagine if he were imprisoned in New York, with some surviving mobsters doing time for RICO. And Rudy put them there. In any prison, Giuliani knows he’s a dead man with a bloody rectum. He will do anything to avoid that. Including this shit in Michigan.

And one look tells you, he’s frantic. Stuttering, not because he stutters but because he’s fucking terrified. International crimes. Federal crimes. State crimes. Does it matter? He’s been licking Trump’s shoes so long now that I doubt if he can piss without asking Trump first.

And there were other pardons talked about this week. Donald Junior and Eric, both of whom are implicit in overseas funding for the first campaign. Trump said that Biden pilfered extreme amounts of cash from nebulous sources but that’s a typical trick; when you’re dirty, thrust that dirt on the other side. Ivanka wants a (preemptive) pardon as well, but the question it raised remains hanging above Trump’s head: if no one has done anything illegal, why then would they need a pardon?

And his answer, given almost reflexively, was, “The witch hunt won’t stop.”

In the height of the coronavirus pandemic, Trump and Giuliani are putting on a circus.

If over two thousand people continue to die every day, then at the very least, Trump should be held criminally responsible for crimes against humanity. His misdirection and denial are part of why a million people will be dead before this eases up, if it does.

He’s pulling 700 troops out of Somalia which would leave a few on their own, a mortifying idea. He wants all soldiers out of Afghanistan which we worked hard to secure, and in which Trump has encouraged the Taliban to feel free to operate openly. He wanted to meet with them at Camp David until the uproar got so bad that he was forced to call it off. Even Pat Robertson was pissed at that boneheaded idea.

Once out of Afghanistan, the region destabilizes further and nobody will be able to intervene. Do the civilians there who have worked with Americans deserve that? You know that answer. Remember Trump abandoning the Kurds?

What we cannot do is allow this shit to happen anymore. The number of kids from across the border whose parents can’t be located varies. One day it’s 500. Yesterday 600.

Crimes against humanity and lies are nothing to Trump and certainly not to his children, nor his wife, and absolutely not to Giuliani. Why do people support that lot?

The short answer:

Trump’s given his supporters room and license to hate. To abuse and ignore safety guidelines. He hates the same people they do. And the far right Christians, they are so full of hate and phobias that I can’t believe how many of them there are. They’re not idiots but they act as such. Their talk is like, “Fuck you, but I’m gonna pray for you.”

So Rudy Giuliani farted and Michigan has more hothouse gas now. Who cares? What he said with his other mouth is what should concern us all right now.

Joe Biden is the president-elect and it’s valid, and that’s all there is to it. And thank God, because he can start healing the great divide between parties. That’s something we sorely need right now.

Time for Rudy Giuliani to stop mattering.

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