Happy Thanksgiving, Assholes

A news report.

Actually, lots of them. Everywhere you look. Every hour, every day.

Not about Trump. He’s broken about every protocol and a host of laws; no shit. Made us look like a “banana republic”, quoth many politicians and pundits. Oh, it’s worse than that.

Not about Biden, either. A good man who Trump cannot admit he lost to. Now, finally, transfer and the sharing of information and intelligence can go forth as it should. Through it all, Trump played golf, tweeted hate, incited rebellion, bribed Minnesota and intimidated Michigan officials and generally tried to take food stamps and basic rights away from citizens. He’s engaged in a scorched earth policy to wreck everything and interfere in a smooth transition of administrations. To make Biden look inadequate. To throw shade on all who voted against him, Trump almighty.

No, I’m not talking about seeing reports on any of that.

I’m referring to idiots who continue to refuse to wear masks, sanitize hands, use the six-foot rule, and who are absolutely killing other people.

Those people who are traveling or hosting gatherings for Thanksgiving. This week.

This fucking week.

Experts are alarmed.

Have the horrifying events of this year not already impressed you how deadly COVID-19 is? Haven’t we lost enough people, family, friends, coworkers to get through your fucking selfish, small brain?

I guess not.

I’m not a wise or intelligent man. I have no decency, no dignity.

I am without honor.

And I am quite sick.

But I’m better than you.

I try to do what I should. I wear my mask. I keep my distance. I stay home when it is not necessary to go out. I don’t want to kill. I’m not selfish or vain or rebellious enough to fucking murder a stranger or a friend.

But for the sake of a fucking carved turkey, you’ll risk anything: air travel, mixing in grandma’s house with family from 5 states. Whatever. Bus, train, air. Makes no difference. None. And you don’t make sense to me.

Happy Thanksgiving you fucking morons. Even if you kill someone, you’ll never believe it was you who gave grandma COVID-19.

The airlines are happy to sell tickets. Coaches too, and trains, oh, always. You gotta wear masks but when nobody’s looking, they can’t tell you’re bare-faced. You’re pathetic.



In December and January, just stand back and wait for your phone to ring. And watch the news. Because those climbing numbers of deaths? You and everyone like you did that.

If you think I’m being presumptuous and harsh, prove me wrong. Stay home. Cancel the meal. Eat a TV dinner and watch the Lions and the Ravens lose.

Live and let live.

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