Trump Has COVID-19, Now In Hospital

President Trump is at Walter Reed National Military Hospital Center. This is bad, very bad. And yet the reflex attitude on social media is horrifying and disgusting. From statements like “Karma’s a bitch” to “this is a hoax”, the bullshit is piling up so high we’re going to need air and sea rescue to get out of it.

A sober article on just why this is so terrible reminds us all that this is a national crisis. First, they used a helicopter for transport. That’s bad. He would have done anything to avoid that kind of attention. It doesn’t help his cause at all, and now the whole world knows he’s got COVID-19. Politically it spells doom for his campaign. He denied saying what Bob Woodward recorded him saying, then backed up and lied, saying “I meant that we can’t panic.”

Now he’s got it. His wife has it. Hope Hicks has it. Contact tracing is a nightmare. After hearing about Hicks testing positive he still went to a rally. Who can say what he’s done?

A ridiculous conspiracy theory has it that Trump and his wife both tested positive at the same time, and given that she’s never closer than ten feet from him, it’s suspicious.

Anyone who watches the news knows she gets a lot closer than that. On Marine One, everyone on that last hop is almost certainly infected, whether they’re symptomatic or not.

The White House stated that Trump’s condition changed from “light” to “moderate” and since the White House is unreliable in news dispatches, he could be on a ventilator by midnight for all we know.

There’s too much here to sort out. Hell, we’ve been on overload since last winter. Over 200,000 dead from coronavirus infections. Many more sick, not fully recovered from damage it left behind. Everyone should be pissed off about that. It was preventable once we found that masks worked. Trump set an example by first calling it a hoax, then playing it down, forcing the opening of schools, strong-arming the Big Ten into reversing its decision not to participate this season, and all kinds of things that put people at risk. Now college kids and even an NFL team are stricken.

We, ladies and gentlemen, are in the middle of a catastrophe, and it’s not going to disappear. So I understand the anger. I do. I’ve said many times he killed people by mishandling this pandemic and that children of immigrants suffered horribly at his hands. I hate everything he does.

But wishing for a sitting president to die is not civilized, not humane, and is, in fact, the height of evil. I expect anger. It’s been there. Almost four years’ worth. Hell, we’re choking on it.

But let’s not be ugly here. Karma or God or plain bad luck from continued risky behavior, whatever it is you’re using, stop it. Especially since understanding basic karmic rules, whatever you wish for others, if evil, will come back to you in equal measure.

A transition of power before an election would be chaos and one thing we don’t need right now is more chaos. Contingency protocols under the 25th Amendment could be challenged and bog us down while everything else literally stops.

Ask yourself these questions:

Do I really want to be seen posting evil wishes on anyone?

Does our country face an existential crisis that could be made worse if Donald Trump dies from this?

And finally, if you say things that are ugly, and he does die, would you really feel great about yourself?

If you think that last question is a lightweight, there’s something wrong with you. You’re more like Trump than you think you are. His attitude is nutty and evil and absolutely without a shred of sympathy for anyone who suffers from anything. Poverty? Homelessness? Fuck em, let em die. Is that you? Is that really you, too?

As for the conspiracy theory that this is all a hoax?

He could never pull off such a stunt. His test has been verified. It’s real, and moreover, what political gain is to be made in this? Think it will delay the election? Wrong. Doesn’t work that way. Garnering votes by sympathy? Shut up. Even he would not do that. He doesn’t have any concept of that emotion.

Stop the stupid, goofy conspiracy theories. This is a bad day for America, folks. Not many people alive have seen a transition to the presidency due to in-term sudden death. It’s a horror. You can love him or hate him but you still have to rise above his level or you’re as bad as he is. I instead suggest prayer and meditation for his recovery.

Oh, before I go, one conspiracy theory has it that Hope Hicks is a deep state operative intentionally infected and paid to hug Trump. I had a laugh at that one.

Then, last but not least, people are suspicious because Putin sent Trump wishes for a speedy recovery. Yeah, but so has Justin Trudeau and other world leaders, because that’s what they do. None of them relish the knowledge that Trump has COVID-19.

Neither should we.

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