Is Donald Trump TRYING To Lose, Or Is He Really That Crazy?

Look, I’m sick. Lots of us are, from different things, mainly the coronavirus or just plain stress over whether we’ll catch it, or grief over those we’ve lost to it; family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

We are sick with a deep foreboding over the use of brute force and terrorism by unidentified paramilitary forces in Portland and threats of more “deployments” in other cities.

Both the virus and the shock troops are a threat to our country in different ways, but both are terrifying. A dumbass senator refuses to wear a mask, tests positive, won’t admit he was wrong. People die. Still no outward reaction from “conservatives”. Trump goes in front of the press and claims Dr. Fauci has “high approval ratings,  but “poor little ol’ me” does not. It’s a continuation of his statement “maybe people don’t love me” and that’s similar to lamentations made by Richard Nixon following the 1962 loss in the California governor’s race. He said to the press, “You don’t have Nixon to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.”

Of course, he would have more.

Trump is a diseased, self-occupied, self-centered, self-destructive bag of possum peckers. His mistakes are not really missteps; they are all his decisions and have gone against every competent adviser he’s had, throwing tantrums and firing those people in favor of idiot yes men and women. And even those are scared of him. Reporters are scared to ask him certain questions. Republicans fear him to the Nth degree, lying for him, backing him, endorsing him. Hell, you’d be forgiven if you thought he was the antichrist. He lies so much that some fact checkers say his total tops a hundred thousand.

In Portland, the world has seen everything we have seen: unidentified paramilitary officers shoving protesters into unmarked vans, which constitutes kidnapping, false imprisonment and assault. Sources say they’re made up of ICE and Border Patrol agents acting through Homeland Security on Trump’s orders. The world has seen Trump bungle the pandemic and opinion is divided; many feel sorry for Americans. Third World countries feel sorry for us. News services like BBC, CNN, Reuters and others carry stories of America that stuns the world. How can such a powerful country be brought to its knees by only a single man? Why won’t anyone take action?

Who can blame them? There’s a travel ban against Americans in Europe because the danger of the coronavirus is too great to risk the least bit of contact.

Trump finally proved he was a burlap sack full of marsupial phalluses when he concentrated on suburbanites by calling white women “housewives” and promised an end to low-income housing in their areas.

But his sexist way of referring to white women in suburbs shows, at last, that he doesn’t care about anyone. That even his supporters mean nothing to him.

His pity party was disgusting. “People don’t love me”, and “It can only be my personality.”

Those are manipulative at least, self-destructive at most. Yeah, he’s crazy, but pointing out the fact that his personality is a problem may also be seen as yet another self-inflicted gunshot to his foot: he wants you to know he’s aware of his salad-filled head.

But the last straw was when he walked out on the press because he’d retweeted another fucking idiot claiming that hydroxychloroquine is a COVID-19 cure. That same woman believes that extraterrestrials have donated snot and sperm for use in pharmaceutical products. Among other fucking shit.

Holy shit.

I suppose you could have a bone to pick with me because I’ve posted about demons before, but I’ve got witnesses to some really horrible things. I stand by my words, but I realize that Trump does, too.

But I wonder sometimes if he’s really trying to throw this election. Yeah, he really is crazier than a Hefty bag full of possum’s penises, but sometimes, I think he’s making so many people die, is pissing so many people off, that he’ll lose in November for dead certain.

Except: there’s one thing.

Never underestimate this guy. You still have to oppose him. Fight him. And you have to show up at the polls in November and get rid of this squishy plastic bag of animal dicks.

You have to.

The alternative is death.

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