Typically Republican

I’ve seen enough. I don’t know who it was but some dickhead actually asked Dr. Fauci if the left and the media were being fair to “President” Trump.

His reaction was vanilla. Reason: he knows he must remain where he is in order to help save this country from Donald Trump’s ignorance and insanity. The next question from Dickhead was “do you regret not calling for the public to wear masks earlier?”

Wait. Wait a fucking minute. It was the republicans who denied COVID-19 was going to be a thing. Remember that?

Fauci answered, “we’re going to play that game…if you’ll remember, we had a paucity of PPE and we didn’t want healthcare workers who were risking their lives to have facemasks taken by the public.” Not a word-for-word quote, but essentially correct. How can politicians be so short on memory that they actually try to rewrite history, and how the hell are they so callous that this dickhead brought up deaths from drugs, AIDS and even managed to somehow throw mumps into his name salad?


First of all, that’s the fucking attitude that’s already killed so many people who had COVID-19. Trump’s attitude was, and remains, “fuck it.”

They’ll watch the economy tank, a million people die, businesses fail, and do nothing but throw blame on Democrats. Which is like your kids breaking everything in your house right the fuck in front of you and blaming the neighbors out back that you can’t stand. Today in hard-hit Arizona, Trump’s having a rally. He will not wear a mask. In Arizona. And his staff keep getting infected. He’s not merely stupid. He’s evil, bent on exalting himself as a god who can’t be hurt, get sick or make a bad decision. And while he’s at it, fuck everyone else. He’s not alone because his cult of political and civilian worshippers back him up. By now I doubt any of them even really know they’ve believed the lies they once took objection to. They live in a fake reality.

If you want me to write about him with a bit of respect, or all-out reverence, you can go fuck yourself. Ain’t gonna happen.

Guess what is gonna happen, though…

A lot more people are going to die. God damn these motherfuckers. God damn them all to Hell.

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