Why Do People Insist On Being Flagrantly Stupid?

Stupid woman.

Okay, that was interesting. She clearly planned her “presentation” well enough, complete with Elmer’s or perhaps a more “aromatic” glue fixing her pictures to a sign. And she wrote and read from her own, really demented and hysterical speech. Holy shit. But look. If you want to prove that you’re a “patriot” by singing a song, I don’t think it’s too much to ask that you get the fucking lyrics right.

Some people can’t be troubled, though. It’s just not enough to prove yourself an idiot and mark yourself as a candidate for psychiatric observation; no, you just have to sing, too. And fuck it up.

I’m not calling into question a person’s right to speech. If I did that, I wouldn’t be able to write. But she’s a mess, a train wreck, like everyone else who reveals themselves Trump supporters. I know I laughed at the clip, and it’s unusual for me to do that when someone so obliviously embarrasses themselves. I usually feel bad for them. But this is funny until after it’s over.

That’s when I stopped laughing and eventually felt overwhelming dread that she’s not alone.

That’s truly sobering. Trump has apparently sold out the venue for his rally on Saturday and people are already camping out waiting for it. Right in the middle of a county with coronavirus cases rising fast. It was supposed to be on Juneteenth but he changed it and I can’t tell you why. Then he claimed to have made Juneteenth famous, that nobody had ever heard of it. And then we had to hear that he “polled” African American White House staff and they had never heard of it either. At least that’s what he claims. It’s horseshit but his cult followers won’t care either way. Right now he’s losing voters to Biden. He’s pissed, too. He’s pissed about lots of things. He’s asked, “Do you think the Supreme Court hates me?” Hes called them out and he’s rejected having masks be compulsory in the enclosed venue (to buy a ticket you had to sign a waiver). He’s ranted that people are wearing masks because they hate him (if that’s true, then why the need for a waiver?). And as far as COVID-19 is concerned, he’s lied so many times I can’t keep up with it all, but one of his latest was something about him inventing the “greatest machine (ventilator?)” ever. Ever. He’s totally fucking out there.

And this event is being described as a “superspreader” event. In other words, if the average COVID-19 patient infects two other people, this event will just plain kill a shitload of people and nobody seems to give a damn except for those who stand susceptible to these morons who will return home and kill them.

And since incubation can be indeterminate, between 5 to 14 days, and some will be asymptomatic, those victims will continue to spread it if they live.

Have you noticed that people are paying less attention to the numbers? Did you know that a month ago, several politicians from red states actually said they were going to stop the daily updates even if they really can’t? Based on my observations so far, it’s possible. Politicians, public behavior and myths have cooked a perfect soup. COVID-19 isn’t going away right now. It isn’t going to go away anytime soon. There’s no need to fear a “second wave” this autumn: the first one won’t even be over by then. Forget a vaccine. It’s too soon, and we may never get one anyway. That’s what we need to prepare for. You can’t count on Trump or any of his brainwashed cadre to tell the truth. The truth is, Trump fucked us with every step he took or failed to take during this pandemic; now we’re looking at the deadliest year in our history and that’s without a war. It’s going to claim more lives, and it will not stop.

The latest studies have proven that masks do help to stop coronavirus from spreading when used with physical distancing and obsessive hand washing. Yeah, it was working in areas where it was mandated and not voluntary. At first, yes, we were told masks weren’t effective. An article still pops up once a week with false or outdated information which has it that masks in public are useless, but its it’s dangerous not to wear them.

In this way it becomes harder to laugh at the woman in the video. It becomes easier to hate her. She will kill someone. If not by catching and transmitting the virus, then merely by example because people listen to morons like Trump and his death cult.

As we get to July fourth, it shakes me to the core to picture what we’re going to see. In my life, there’s never been a worse man in the White House. No one, not even Richard Nixon, came close to this man. And never mind the upcoming books by his niece and John Bolton. The former is reportedly flouting a signed non-disclosure agreement to publish hers. Now what kind of family would have something like that between cousins, uncles and nieces? What the fuck happened, anyway? Because it had to have been particularly horrible.

And I’ve saved John Bolton for last. People are applauding this piece of shit. Why? He’s a pussy! He could have testified any time during critical hearings and investigations. If he’s such a patriot, he would have. A true patriot couldn’t have been stopped.

He didn’t. He hid behind Trump and only now, when it looks like Trump may lose, only now, when a prestigious publisher stands ready to cut checks, does he claim to be brave with a tell-all book. John Bolton is a traitorous, cowardly and greedy man. He’s everything that’s wrong with this country. Because a weasel and a traitor, an unpatriotic piece of shit like him can’t have one or two weaknesses; he’s probably a bigot and a womanizer too. Don’t buy his book. The details will be discussed ad nauseum on cable anyway.

We’re in big trouble, America. Big trouble. Watch the video again if you doubt me.

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