Demons in the Church!

I accidentally came across a video this morning. I was following a link in a news article in an email. I don’t know why the video it featured led me to this one, but it’s where I wound up. The video is a year old but even more relevant now than last year.

I watched it from beginning to end  even though it made me sick and very sad. But these false preachers are not the only ones who lie, cheat, and abuse their own church members; it’s happening all over the world. Jesus warned us about such men in Matthew chapter 24: 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

One of the things that I found to be the most disturbing was that hundreds of people are sitting still for this and even laughing. Or, in the case of church elders who engaged in flagellation, cheering them on. This is as evil as any church can get, save for murder or, on a lesser level, performing sex acts at the podium. They may as well come right out dressed up as demons. That’s who they truly follow, the legions of demons and Satan, their leader. The idea that a true Christian can become possessed is not true. But these people are not true Christians. Long ago, they were first devoted to themselves, not God. Why they entered the ministry is unknown, but once there, their behavior grew ever more evil and was clearly visible. They were called to the pulpit by Satan, not God. That is the only way that this can happen. A weak Christian is not a true Christian. You can go to Bible College, and you can pray or preach a sermon. None of those things means that you are a Christian.

So what exactly is a Christian?

You’ll know when you see one. They will have changed. You’ll see a big difference in their lives, their speech, and their behavior. They will never engage in theatrics like the platform of the pulpit is the stage at Comedy Club. They won’t say, “You want to know what God looks like?” and pose as if to say, “Look at me!”

Some are not so hidden, you see.

Forget wolves in sheep’s clothing; these people are wolves who can’t and don’t even try to hide their true selves. They shamelessly act out in front of those present, but also to wide television audiences.

Even before I became moved by the Spirit, I was critical of these false preachers and yet had no idea how evil they really were. In this video, even I was horrified and sickened by their behavior. The narration tells us that these are fools, and that’s true, or, at the very least, they act like fools. So why is even one person attending their services? Because, as Jesus warned, many will be led astray. These false teachers will fool many.

There’s a high price for that. These preachers will, unless they repent, definitely go to Hell upon their judgment. Part of me thinks that’s really sad. Another part of me is less than charitable; they should go to Hell. But that’s not my decision. It belongs to the Lamb of God, the only one fit to open the sacred scrolls. Anyone whose name is not found in the Book of Life is going to stand trial and be sent to be with his master, Satan.

There’s another sad part to that: God didn’t make Hell for His children. No. He made it for Satan and the fallen. We have made, as a race, the decision to rebel against God. Every generation has had a part in making everything worse. This is because God never created Man to sin, yet He gave Man a freedom of choice; a free will to do as he pleased. God told Adam and Eve to eat the fruit and every herb bearing tree but warned them not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or they would surely die. But the serpent lied, telling Eve, “You won’t die. Go ahead and eat.”

She did. She convinced Adam to as well. So, created to be immortal, Adam and Eve did, eventually, die. And they knew that they were naked. They covered themselves up. God asked why they had hidden from him, and they answered, “Because we were naked.”

That’s when God condemned them, sentencing them to death because of sin. It’s also when blood sacrifices had to be made. Only by spilling the blood of an animal could they atone for their sins.

After that, and we don’t know how long it was, their sons, Cain and Abel, offered sacrifices to God. But Cain disobeyed and didn’t make a blood sacrifice. He brought fruits and grains. God rejected the sacrifice. Jealous, Cain went into a rage, striking his brother and killing him. The world’s first homicide.

Of course, God knew before He created us what would happen. He’d already seen it since He’s the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He knew how everything would play out.

Born free, yet from a Creator who already knew what that freedom would do, one wonders why God created us. Why did Man willingly give dominion over the earth to Satan?

Because the devil tricked them. Now, he’s free to cause evil all over the world, to sow discord and chaos, and to keep people under his thumb, sinning constantly, believing that God and the Garden of Eden are fairy tales. He’s free to cause demonic attacks, possessions, and worse. And he never misses a chance to tempt a dedicated Christian. He wants to see faith being lost, hope being lost, and the “you only live once” attitude take root.

You know this “YOLO” philosophy, right? It says, “There will never be a better time, try that stunt because you love the rush of being a daredevil,” and “Have sex with your girlfriend now, while you’re young.”

Did you know that the number of young people who are getting venereal diseases is rising? Ages 15 to 21. Yes, but these days, they don’t call them VD. It’s recently been called STDs or “sexually transmitted diseases,” but now it’s changed. Any STD, VD, or whatever it used to be called is now an “STI” because, political correctness. How dare we call it a disease when it’s only an infection? What are you trying to do, scar them for life, calling it a disease?

Even dictionaries diminish the problem: look up “venereal diseases” and you’ll get “STD” without any explanation as to why it changed. Now it’s going to change again. When I was young, the last thing you wanted to hear from a doctor was “you’re pregnant” or “you have a venereal disease.”

Today, there aren’t any consequences for these situations. The reversal of Roe v. Wade is a problem for pregnant women, but most parents just don’t care anymore. They rationalize any way they can to avoid doing any real parenting. You can see the results in any newspaper,  news website, or your six o’clock news, and it’s impossible to miss.

It surely is a lot of sinning. Lives ruined, lives lost. All because of people doing whatever they want. Free will, right?

The Blood Sacrifice

The reason blood sacrifice mainly stopped for Jews was the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem and the subsequent razing of the city by Rome, creating the last diaspora, which lasted until just after World War Two.

The significance of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ is that the blood sacrifices were no longer required. He is the blood sacrifice, then, now and forever. His blood was shed for you. God loves you so much that his one son born of the flesh came to teach, heal, and then suffer and die, in your place, for your sins and the death sentence you had earned for your sins. What a terrible thing to have to go through. But Jesus did it. And now by His blood, His death, then resurrection, everyone can be forgiven. You can be black, white, or whatever. You can be a lifelong atheist, a Roman Catholic, a Muslim, a Jew, or anything. It doesn’t matter. If you believe that Jesus died for you and then conquered death in a guarded tomb, He can save you from the second death, which follows the Great Judgment, the death of your soul.

No theatrics in a church can stop a bad man from going to hell. He can perform fake miracles until the sun sets. It won’t get him to Heaven, and he probably doesn’t even believe in Heaven anyway.

How’s Kenneth Copeland getting to Heaven, because his jets can’t go there? Ask Joel Osteen, the lukewarm positive power guy, if he really believes he’s going to Heaven. He will say yes, but there have to be times when he’s not so sure. The mega church pastors are sensualists, and materialism haunts their every minute. Osteen’s ridiculous smile never fades as he teaches lies, false doctrines that leave out how hard a Christian life can be, what it takes, what sin really does to you, not beyond the grave, but in your daily life. He won’t tell you, but he’s pretty good at selling people on the idea that their part is already done, so they should smile and be happy. Jesus took care of everything, so don’t worry. And the sunshine preacher will go to his maker carrying the responsibility for leading thousands of souls to damnation. He won’t be smiling then.

I’m not going to lie. The path of a true Christian is a hard life. A hard path. But blessed are the ones who hold on until the end.

Demons go to church. Of course they do. Never give them fear; never show it and never feel it. You must not be afraid. But also don’t underestimate them or take them lightly. Stay prayerful, and they flee from you.

If the demon in your church resides in whoever stands behind the pulpit, leave. Just go. If the congregation does not kick him out, never go back. Evil runs that church. Once that happens, it’s almost impossible to save that church. Even the building has been consecrated to Satan.

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