“If God Doesn’t Allow America to be Destroyed, He Owes Sodom and Gomorrah an Apology” –unknown pastor

At first,this statement seems like a foolish, blasphemous thing to say. But think about it: doesn’t it hit close to home? First of all, look at the entertainment world. There’s not one genre of music that has had their top performers left untouched. Katy Perry once claimed that she had sold her soul to the devil. And she’s not alone. She may have been “joking”, but it’s a terrible joke. Ye isn’t even of sound mind anymore, wavering between sanity and madness. Taylor Swift is a billionaire who claimed to be a “Tennessee Christian” but who mocks God by years of unmarried sex, embracing the LGBTQ and gender neutral community and shamelessly doing anything to keep herself on top. Here’s a tip for her: nobody is above God, and nobody stays on top. She will, like everyone before her, fall from favor. And she, more than most, is likely to take it personally and hard. Because it’s all about her. Everything is about her. How the mighty do fall. Always.

What makes her situation even worse is that she has developed a cult following called “Swifties,” and they probably would gladly kill someone like me who has suddenly seen what she really is. That’s a fanatical fan base that constitutes a cult. They don’t merely idolize her; they are so caught up that they forget God. She said that the Eras Tour has been the greatest experience of her life. If that’s true, then she never knew God, as she claimed. I’ve felt times since Easter filled with such happiness and peace, such as I have never known. My bitterness and anger are falling away. My fear is almost gone. This has nothing to do with mental illness; I have not changed medication regimens or used illicit drugs. I simply changed, and that’s because I opened my heart to God. If I called myself Christian before, then in reality, I was mostly wrong. The time had come for God to see the chance and open my eyes and heart, and being willing, I did. His grace is profound, life-changing, and miraculous. For the first time in my life, I searched for meaning with openness, and it was revealed.

Love, really love, God, Jesus, your neighbor, and yourself. Hate your sins and turn from them as you see the pure evil that they are.


Actors are a silly lot. One year they get out two films. Then you never see them again. Or not before a decade passes, and they’ve aged badly. Drugs, alcohol and more take a heavy toll. An action star in 1999 may still be around, but no longer fit for portraying an action hero. Maybe an aging crime boss or serial killer.

Music is full of satanic songs and images, and movies are on the same level. When I was a kid, most parents wouldn’t let their children go to any movie that wasn’t rated G. In the old rating system, a G rating was what most studios strove for; it meant it was fine for kids or families. General Audiences. You won’t see that anymore. Even Pixar movies are trash.

Even Star Trek went with the women-in-underwear scenes, and parents should not be okay with that.

The shock-horror movies like chainsaw flicks are plain evil. It seems rare to see anything that isn’t shocking, grotesque, and wicked.

I watched Disney movie when Herbie Rides Again and the Boatnicks were playing. And I liked them. Funny stuff. You can’t find them now. That expensive subscription is prohibitive. Who needs to make a conglomerate richer?

But the films today have jaded every viewer. They want lots of gore and sex. They’re getting it.

Every part of entertainment is trash. I’ve sampled Halo, Fallout, and Reacher, and there are no differences between those and other series out there. It’s all poorly written and follows generic formulas.

I’ve had to limit my TV time.

Even video games have begun to make me sick. In the Assassin’s Creed series, Jesus healed, not because he was divine, but because he had an Apple of Eden, an ancient artifact left behind by a precursor race who were the gods of myths. That’s not okay. That’s blasphemy. And though the games were produced in Canada, there’s a huge market for them in America. Around the world, too.

Books do the same thing. Fantasy books like Harry Potter give magic credit for solving problems instead of faith in God. My views…have changed.

Then there’s the false preachers and their mega churhes. It’s gotten worse. Some call themselves gods or God. Or Apostles. That’s just wrong. Some preach what’s called the “seed” or “prosperity gospels,” which bilk their own members out of money they can’t afford. The blatant premise is that if you give money to the church, God will reward you with your own riches. And people believe this. They do so because they want to. But so many deny that the pastors are not godly men and women. They don’t know better because their experience is limited. Inexperience with a church and the scripture leads to acceptance of sin. And sometimes,  people don’t know what a sin is. Or a scam.

But worse, is that to give their words weight, these pastors avoid preaching about the dangers of sin and smile at the cameras and say, “God will always love you without condition and he will never stop loving you.”

This is a lie. When the time comes for you to face him, he will not be loving. If you really believed that you could be a Christian and not give up your sins, and fail to hate your sins and repent, you’re wrong. Sin causes God a deep anger. He won’t hesitate to punish you. I was like that: a false Christian who backed a host of sexual sins as “civil rights” and “free will.” I was pro choice. I was many things, a foul-mouthed blasphemer who ignored far too much of the Bible. And I’m still a sinner, but I hate my sins. I can’t wait to repent. I’m still learning how this new faith has and will continue to change me. Every day can’t be a good day, but they’re a lot better than they were.

But this isn’t about me. I’m talking to you.

Uganda passed strict laws prohibiting homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Similar laws are in place in Zambia and Kenya. The United States tries to intervene, but the countries tell them, “think what you want, but stay out of our business as we stay out of yours.”

The arguments from the US politicians are eerie but somehow so weak as to be comical: “This is about human rights,” and little else but an explanation of what “The US” considers are human rights. Sure, I agree. People have free will to choose good or evil. But in the West, we’re promoting sin and have managed to normalize perversion. The Bible does tell us that certain things are wrong. Too many people mock the Bible and refuse to believe that same sex sins are wrong. But consider this: if you don’t believe that it is so, or you don’t believe that Sodom and Gomorrah were real and were destroyed, then your conscience is clear. But I ask you, if there’s even a chance that it happened, what do you think God will do to America, which is more populated? And easily more evil?

This is why I can’t see the events of the Book of Revelation involving the United States. By that time, the country may be so depleted of soldiers and weapons that it will be helpless to wage war or even protect itself. A tech war with China looms, and we’re already unprepared to fight back.

Don’t misunderstand me. I love my country. I love what it was supposed to be. I don’t like anything it does. And we might be,  for all we know, close to a hail of fire and brimstone. We certainly deserve it.

May you find peace with God, turn away from Satan, and find peace. Tough times are coming, and you will not do well without the Lord. Be well, be good to yourselves, and be kind to each other. God bless.